Hello there!
If you ventured into Plymouth this October you might have caught a glimpse of some strange folk appearing around the city. Hot on the heels of the British Art Show, came the nomadic travellers of the U:1 Artist Collective. As if from the very pages of H.G Wells’ The Days of the Comet, these Edwardian travellers took to the street in a hope to inspire the spirit of the British Art show in the residents of Plymouth.
Spanning five events, the Nomads journeyed to the Jigsaw Garden, the Mayflower Steps, the Civic Centre, Bretonside bus station and Smeatons Tower and are now taking their final pit stop here at The Pipe. Concealed within their luggage and displayed for you today are the Nomad’s artistic contraptions. Alongside these pieces are the contributions of all those who participated in these events, creating origami, decorating butterflies and making chalk drawings and leaving their own trace.
The U:1 Artist Collective gladly welcomes you to view these works for the last time before their bags are finally packed away.