Sunday, 1 May 2011

Harmony and Horror Exhibition

Hey guys!

Firstly, the Charity Art Auction we organised to raise money for the victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami was a huge success. We raised  £735 for the charity Shelterbox who were very thankful for everyone's efforts.

A humongous thankyou to everyone who was involved in the organisation and running of the auction, everyone who donated artwork and other items and thankyou to everyone who came down and bought something.


U:1 Artist Collective and been busy organising and creating work for the latest exhibition 'Harmony and Horror'.

PRIVATE VIEW is on 7th MAY 2011 6-9 pm
Food and wine available

The exhibition is open daily from 10am-5pm from the 10th MAY to 13th MAY 2011

To read more about the concept see the text below -

In nature, the sublime is distinct from beauty due to its invocation of contrasting aesthetic experiences; “an agreeable kind of horror” as the writer Joseph Addison put it. Whereas beauty is bound within the form of an object, in experiencing the boundlessness of the sublime the imagination is moved to awe by what is ‘dark, uncertain and confused’. Vast magnitudes and the power to overwhelm characterize the fullest feeling of the sublime, that of experiencing pleasure from the knowledge of the observers nothingness and oneness in nature.
As part of ‘Harmony and Horror: Interpretations of the Sublime’, 11 artists have been invited to create an environment that explores their personal interpretation of the transcendent nature of the sublime. Challenging the conventional ways of looking at and moving within the space, the artists hope to create an emotive and contemplative atmosphere that will confound the senses of the perceiver.
Featuring works by Charlotte Patton, Eve Woodbridge, Lee McDonald, Hannah Jump, Amber Donovan, Helen Manley, Sandy Wager, Andrew Knights, Danielle Woodbridge and Clare L Larkin, Meredith Fisk and David Hadley.

Hopefully see you there!